Meet Shea

Expert Personal Training and Group Fitness

Individuals | Cohort | Virtual

Fairfield County, Connecticut & Beyond.


Fitness for all.

Shea completed the NASM Personal training Certification in 2018 and has been teaching a variety of group classes for the past 5 years.


Customized programming is at the core of all of Shea’s programs. She understands each individual is balancing unique goals and body types. Shea believes impactful, results driven programs, along with concise direction and positive reinforcement are foundational tools for success.

There is no one size fits all approach to how she trains clients.

She spends the time understanding your goals, history, strengths and weaknesses and tailors a program that will safely get you results.

Quick results are incredible, but Shea’s vision for her clients is bigger.

Moving towards fitness goals should be challenging, fun and rewarding so that you remain consistent. During in person sessions clients can expect to work with weights, balance pads, BOSU balls, suspension trainers and body weight to encourage balanced wellness and overall strength.


Shea focuses on how to maintain results and changes FOR LIFE.

Results do not happen overnight.

Training to get in shape or in better shape is a lifestyle. Results come to those who work hard and are consistent. Clients who focus on making small changes will see the best results. Think about where you could be in a year if you only made a 1% change every week…


Whether your goal is to build pure strength, increase endurance or train for better balance and flexibility,

Shea can get you there.

Shea’s training approach includes a wide variety of equipment that encourages her clients to work hard, enjoy their workouts and never get bored. Whether it’s a session with focus on strength, using mostly weights, or a session focused on balance with equipment such as a BOSU ball you will be challenged, pushed and feeling stronger when you leave! Intervals and circuits for total body strength are common workouts Shea loves and finds extremely effective to meet most clients goals.

These types of workouts fly by, burn a ton of calories, and leave you feeling empowered! Never had a trainer or a program? No problem, let Shea get you started, getting started is HARD don’t do it alone!

Shea is a top training professional. She thoroughly understands your goals...asks all the right questions..and delivers a practical set of exercises to get you there. In a fun and motivational way.
— Jim C

Shea’s start in fitness

 As a runner, cyclist and teacher, Shea merged her passion for teaching and overall fitness and began her career in teaching others how to train.

Results are great, but they’re not all that matter.

Shea will push you, encourage you, inspire you, remind you how valuable your health is, and celebrate your achievements. She will teach you HOW to train, how to get stronger, how to stay motivated, and when to rest.


Shea completed the NASM Personal training Certification in 2018 and now trains clients and teaches a variety of group fitness classes.  Shea has completed seven marathons over the past ten years, including New York City and San Francisco.

The learning never stops. Shea can frequently be found discussing and researching new innovative methods of movement and strength building for her clients

Movement is at the heart of all Shea does.

Shea loves to run, practice yoga, cycle outdoors and these days you can find her training in her own new home gym facility.

Shea has two teenage sons that share her passion for fitness, they can be caught in the gym working out or just hanging around doing pull ups for fun!

I have been working with Shea in her group exercise classes for the past two years, Shea makes an exercise class work for just about anyone, always suggesting modifications to accommodate strengths, weaknesses and past injuries. I even attend her 5:30am classes, when I can, because I know it’s worth it!”
— Abraham, M.

Variety is the spice of life.

Shea knows that life happens, so being able to offer her clients a plethora of ways to work together is of the utmost importance.


When COVID-19 hit, Shea realized the importance of a pivot.

Making sure she was able to offer her clients a safe environment to train was priority #1!

An extensive renovation of her detached garage and driveway and VOILA! Her garage and outdoor space became a spectacular training spot. 

Shea’s Expertise:


*University of Bridgeport, BA

*NASM Certified Personal Trainer

*NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

*NASM Speed, Agility, and Quickness certification

*NASM Certified Exercise as an Anxiety Intervention

*Mad Dog Spinning Certified

*Beach Body Insanity Certified

*American Red Cross CPR/AED Certified

Effective, Results Driven Support Oriented Around Your Individual Goals.