Client workouts

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Current Health & Safety Precautions

Safety protocols to expect during your Session

  • The training space is thoroughly disinfected after use in between clients.

  • Individual pieces of equipment sanitized after each use

  • Newly installed exhaust fan to move clean air throughout the space ( up to 10 air changes/hr, twice the CDC guidelines)

  • Masks are worn during sessions

  • Social distancing is in place both between Shea & clients

  • No hands on adjustments will be available

  • Client appointments will be spaced out to allow for enough time for cleaning

  • Outdoor training space immediately adjacent to gym facility (weather and client preference permitting)

  • Virtual one on one sessions available based on client preference or when circumstances require (e.g. during a client quarantine period)


COVID has been a humdinger for most of us.

The more we work together to keep each other safe, the sooner we can all sweat together.

When the COVID pandemic hit, Shea stepped up with a number of options that have allowed us to continue train safely and maintain our forward progress. Shea’s flexibility, positive attitude and sense of humor make it easier to “stick with the program.” I leave every session feeling better than I went in and I would recommend her to anyone looking for personal or group training that produces results.
— Lee F.

Shea has kept me sane and fit as an 82 year old woman stuck in a small apartment in NYC during a pandemic. She has an incredible ability to understand exactly what I need and how to challenge me even through a zoom screen. Bravo Shea!!

Phyllis B.

 All Group Fitness classes are offered via Zoom!

Join anytime. All are welcome